Category: Building Material

“Bangur” is the master brand in the new brand identity that Shree Cement has announced.

One of the biggest cement producers in India, Shree Cement Limited, has introduced a number of new brand offers, with “Bangur” serving as the master brand, along with a redesign of its corporate brand identity. The concept of “Build Smart,” which encapsulates the company’s organizational philosophy, customer offer, and national ambition, serves as the foundation

Shree Cement Transitions into Bangur Cements: A New Era of Branding and Innovation

Shree Cement announces a significant rebranding initiative, transforming into Bangur Cements. Discover the exciting changes as Shree Cement’s products are now consolidated under the Bangur Cements umbrella. Explore the introduction of Bangur Magna, the discontinuation of Shree Roofon, and the integration of subsidiaries into Bangur Group. #BangurCements #ShreeToBangur #BrandTransformation Introduction In a groundbreaking move, Shree

Revocation of GRAP under Stage III: Construction Can Restart, Lifting Ban on Constructions

Rodi Dust Marketing & Distributions Pvt. Ltd. shares the latest news of the revocation of GRAP Stage III, allowing the resumption of construction activities. Discover how this decision brings relief to the construction industry and promotes a renewed momentum for development. #ConstructionRestart #GRAPRevoked #RodiDustMarketing Introduction In a significant development for the construction industry, the revocation

Ready Mix Concrete Supplier In Gurgaon Delhi

Looking for a reliable Ready Mix Concrete supplier in Gurgaon? Discover how RODI DUST MARKETING & DISTRIBUTIONS PVT. LTD. is revolutionizing the construction industry with their top-quality concrete solutions. From the benefits of using Ready Mix Concrete to project-specific applications, this blog explores the advantages and key considerations for choosing the right supplier. #ReadyMixConcrete #Gurgaon

ऑनलाइन सीमेंट बेचने की झूठी विज्ञापन

धोखाधड़ी के आरोप में चारों तरफ से चरमपंथी वेबसाइटों के माध्यम से यहां ऑनलाइन सीमेंट बेचने की झूठी विज्ञापनों का निर्माण कर रहे हैं और डिजिटल मंचों का लाभ उठा रहे हैं। ऐसे मामलों में आपत्ति उठाने के लिए उनकी जागरूकता पैदा करने के लिए लोगों को चेतावनी दी जाती है। वर्तमान में, देश भर

निर्माण सामग्री के मूल्यों में बढ़ोतरी: बिल्डिंग मटेरियल की कीमतों में तेजी

निर्माण सामग्री के मूल्यों में बढ़ोतरी: बिल्डिंग मटेरियल की कीमतों में तेजी दिनांक: 28 दिसंबर 2023 शहर के निर्माण क्षेत्र में चिंता का कारण बन रही है निर्माण सामग्री के मूल्यों में तेजी की वृद्धि। यह बढ़ती कीमतें निर्माण उद्योग को बड़ी चुनौती प्रदान कर रही हैं और निर्माण परियोजनाओं को अधिक महंगा बना रही

Soaring Brick Prices in Gurgaon: Raw Material Shortage and Transportation Woes Fuel the Crisis

As brick costs continue to rise to uncommon levels, Gurgaon’s building sector is presently facing a significant difficulty. A serious lack of raw materials and transportation issues are mostly to blame for the spike in brick prices that has shocked the real estate industry. Brick prices in Gurgaon have increased alarmingly over the past six

Building Material Suppliers: Your One-Stop Solution for Quality and Affordability

Building material providers are essential to the success of any project in the world of construction. The long life and safety of the finished product, whether it is a private home or a business building, directly depend on the quality of the materials utilized. We will discuss the importance of construction material suppliers in this blog post, as well as